Botany Group
The group aims to provide an interest in, and enjoyment of, all aspects of flora, within and beyond the Durham Wildlife Trust area.
The aims of the group are to:
- Provide an interest in, and enjoyment of, all aspects of flora, within and beyond the Durham Wildlife Trust area.
- Develop and share botanical knowledge and understanding
- Continually improve identification, survey and recording skills.
- Contribute to conservation through field visits, surveys and recording.
- Encourage and support young people to learn about and enjoy wild plants.
- Support the wider aims and activities of Durham Wildlife Trust.
It’s not just plants we record but also:
- Fungi
- Lichens
- Bryophytes
- Invertebrates
- And anything else we come across
For more information or to arrange to join the group click below:
Follow our local group on Facebook
Visit the BSBI County Durham for botanists page.
Some of the content available will be:
- Reports on all our past outings including species lists
- Notes and photographs of Durham’s best and more interesting plants
- Updates on our various projects such as the BSBI Atlas 2020 and the A19 Surveys.