iiE Accreditation
We know that, fundamentally, our nature reserves are making a positive contribution, but as an organisation we are looking at how we operate, across all our activities, and seeking to improve.Durham Wildlife Trust
To help reduce our carbon footprint, Durham Wildlife Trust has undertaken the Investors in the Environment accreditation (iiE) with Genee.
iiE is a national environmental accreditation scheme designed to help businesses and organisations of all sizes save money, reduce their impact on the environment and improve their green credentials.
With guidance from Genee, Durham Wildlife Trust has created and implemented a new environmental management system through iiE, further reducing the Trust’s carbon footprint and saving charity resources. In the process of securing the accreditation, the Trust built on its already strong environmental work, upgraded its environmental policies and has hopefully inspired other businesses and organisations to do the same.
Genee is a not for profit environmental consultancy which was established by the North East England Nature Partnership – Durham Wildlife Trust is a founder member of the Partnership. Genee delivers iiE accreditation across our region and works with organisations of all sizes. To find out more, click here.