Father's Day Gift Guide Thursday 3 June 2021 Durham Wildlife Trust https://twitter.com/durhamwildlifehttps://www.facebook.com/DurhamWildlifeTrusthttps://www.instagram.com/durhamwildlife/ From dedicating a patch of grassland meadow to an eco-mug for coffees on the go, browse our range of gifts in time for Father's Day on 20th June 2021. Gifts GiftsRecycled Coffee CupFinally, there’s a travel mug that’s been designed with practical portability in mind. GiftsBeanie HatIdeal for keeping you warm whilst you’re outside enjoying our nature reserves. GiftsBees Knees MugThis Alex Clark mug will make a lovely addition to your kitchen. Books BooksNick Baker’s British WildlifeIn back gardens or city centres, on the Dorset heaths or in the Scottish Highlands, each season paints a fresh pattern on nature. BooksThe Natural History of Upper WeardaleExperts in their field, with vast knowledge of Weardale, describe the many features and characteristics of this well-loved Northern Pennines BooksDavid Lindo How to be an Urban BirderInterested in watching wildlife but unsure what to do? Perhaps this book is for you and others of similar mind. Books Europe’s sea mammalsEurope’s sea mammals: a field guide to the whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals. BooksThe Wildlife Trust’s Handbook of Garden WildlifeAll the essential information you need to identify the wildlife found in your garden. BooksThe Complete Garden Bird BookThis practical and helpful guide provides all you need to know to attract birds to your garden and to identify them when they visit. Something a little different GiftsDedicate a square metre of grassland meadowBy dedicating a square metre in celebration of someone, you will be keeping a special place well looked after for years to come GiftsAdopt an OtterAdopt an Otter and help us to continue our efforts to build safe spaces for these beautiful creatures. Related blog posts Blog Shop our new Rainton Meadows Merchandise! Browse brand new Rainton Meadows gifts - now available in the Rainton Meadows shop and online. Blog Mother's Day Gift Guide Shop our selection of gifts in time for Mothering Sunday at our visitor centres or online. Discover our choice of Mother's Day… Blog Father's Day Gift Guide Our selection of the best gifts for every kind of Dad this father's day.
Blog Shop our new Rainton Meadows Merchandise! Browse brand new Rainton Meadows gifts - now available in the Rainton Meadows shop and online.
Blog Mother's Day Gift Guide Shop our selection of gifts in time for Mothering Sunday at our visitor centres or online. Discover our choice of Mother's Day…
Blog Father's Day Gift Guide Our selection of the best gifts for every kind of Dad this father's day.