Why Durham Wildlife Trust Owns Exmoor Ponies

Photo by Enid Hoseason
Exmoor ponies are brilliant at conservation grazing. Very hardy, with an ability to thrive in all sorts of habitats from high moorland to bogs. They are selective grazes with great teeth, and whilst they like the sweet young grass, they will also tackle gorse, purple moor grass, soft rush, brambles and thistles with gusto; whilst trampling bracken and opening up the sward with their small sharp feet. The ponies were brought into graze at Durham Wildlife Trust nature reserves in 2017 and have been doing a fantastic job of maintaining the wildflower meadows - a job in the summer that used to use a huge amount of volunteer time but not anymore thanks to a conservation grazing programme and the Trust’s furry friends.
Who to contact for help
The Moorland Mouise Trust are a charity who work to promote and protect the rare-breed Exmoor Pony. You can contact them on: Tel: 01398 323093
Email: info@exmoorponycentre.org.uk
Address: Ashwick, Dulverton, Somerset, TA22 9QE Or you can contact the Durham Wildlife Trust Pony Warden line on 07484 929677.