Membership (poster landing page)

WildNet - Zsuzsanna Bird

Become a Member

Protect the wonderful wildlife across the North East.

Join today to protect the North East's nature


The 2023 State of Nature Report found that nearly one in six of the more than ten thousand species assessed (16%) are at risk of being lost from Great Britain. There have also been declines in the distributions of more than half (54%) of our flowering plant species. 

Durham Wildlife Trust manages 52 nature reserves - patches of land between the River Tees and River Tyne conserved solely for the protection of local wildlife. These reserves vary in habitats, from upland hay meadows at Hannah's Meadow Nature Reserve, to the large expanse of peatland at Cuthbert's Moor Nature Reserve. By protecting these important landscapes, we aim to reverse the damage caused to local wildlife numbers in our region.

flower meadow with old barn in background

97% of UK wildflower meadows have been lost since the 1930s. Wildflower meadows support vital pollinators such as bees, butterflies and moths. By supporting the Trust to protect wildflower meadows, you are also helping to protect a host of butterflies including the meadow brown and the common blue. 

By becoming a member of Durham Wildlife Trust you can make a difference for wildlife - at a time when every action to protect our natural world really counts.

Marsh fritillary, Large White and Dingy Skipper
Butterfly and Wild Flower Concise Guides

Receive a free Concise Guide when you become a member of Durham Wildlife Trust. Perfect to carry in a rucksack while walking, these pocket-sized books offer a comprehensive guide to UK butterfly species. 

Simply choose the 'gift' option when signing up below.

Membership form

Bluebell Woods

Digital Paperless

Our greenest yet, all online - minimum £2.50 donation a month


One Person - minimum £2.50 donation a month
Two Kingfishers on a Branch


Two Persons at the Same Address - minimum £3.00 donation a month
Duck and Ducklings


One to Two Adults and Up to 6 Children or Grandchildren - minimum £3.50 donation a month
Comma Butterfly


Code Required - minimum £1.00 donation a month


How could your donation help our wonderful wildlife?

Membership Pack - Canva.

Your Membership Pack

There's nothing quite like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you help one another - you'll get one of those!

But that's not all - 

You'll get a wildlife magazine three times a year, packed full of tips, ideas, walks and updates on everything that's going on near you. We'll send you a Wild About Gardens booklet, a Durham Wildlife Trust member's badge, a car sticker and your very own Christmas gift!

Family Membership Pack - Canva.

Your Family Membership

Family members also receive our Wildlife Watch welcome pack packed with fun activities and the fascinating Wildlife Watch magazine three times a year, featuring posters, stickers and monthly wildlife quizzes.

The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them.
Sir David Attenborough

Join Today

Your contribution will make a real difference.

Bluebell Woods

Digital Paperless

Our greenest yet, all online - minimum £2.50 donation a month


One Person - minimum £2.50 donation a month
Two Kingfishers on a Branch


Two Persons at the Same Address - minimum £3.00 donation a month
Duck and Ducklings


One to Two Adults and Up to 6 Children or Grandchildren - minimum £3.50 donation a month
Comma Butterfly


Code Required - minimum £1.00 donation a month

Why Join Durham Wildlife Trust?

Add your voice
Durham Wildlife Trust is the largest conservation organisation dedicated to our local area. With your backing, we are able to influence local authorities and other stakeholders to make better decisions for nature. What's more, Durham Wildlife Trust is one of 46 independent charities who together form the Wildlife Trusts, meaning that collectively we are also able to champion wildlife at a national and international level while maintaining our local efforts. 

Your support enables us to care for and improve our 50 (and counting) nature reserves. From coast to river to countryside, there is a Durham Wildlife Trust nature reserve near you crammed with vibrant wildlife that needs your support.  

With your backing we can continue to seek out areas for new wilding projects and transform landscapes into wildlife havens which sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

We know that a thriving natural environment and a connection to nature is essential for the health and wellbeing of people. By joining us you're supporting our education and outreach programmes which engage all ages with wildlife and nature.

Our precious habitats such as peatlands and fen are disappearing. But your membership helps us buy new land and create more space for nature.

Need help?

Our Supporter Team is happy to hear from you. Contact us on 0191 584 3112, email or head to our dedicated Contact page.