Rabbitbank Wood
An interesting and varied reserve with an abundance of woodland birds; a quiet and secluded retreat
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
March to July, June to SeptemberAbout the reserve
This varied site consists of oak woodland, marsh, willow carr and species rich wet pasture.
The under-storey consists of large amounts of prickly holly, some hazel and the ground flora is distinctive of acid woodland, including bluebells, foxgloves and cow-wheat.
In wetter areas meadowsweet, marsh marigold, cuckooflower and marsh valerian thrive.
There is a wide range of woodland birds and mammals and the areas of wet pasture provide good summer habitat for butterflies.
Although it is off the beaten track, Rabbitbank Wood is definitely worth a visit at any time of year.