Credit: Steven Morris
Kittiwake Cam
The Newcastle-Gateshead Quayside is home to the most inland breeding colony of kittiwakes in the world! These fantastic birds spend autumn and winter out at sea and return to nest on building and bridge ledges along the Tyne in late February through to August.
Enjoy getting a close up view of the birds as they reunite with their partner, build their nests, lay eggs and rear their chicks through our Kittiwake Camera attached to the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art.
Kittiwake Cam runs from March - August
People all over the world tune in to kittiwake cam. It's wonderful that these amazing birds can be enjoyed by so many. As a small, local charity Durham Wildlife Trust relies on the support of members and donations. Please consider supporting our work for wildlife across the region.
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Out of Kittiwake Cam season, you can enjoy some footage from 2020 below.
Newcastle-Gateshead Quayside is home to approximately 1700 pairs of breeding Kittiwakes. These oceanic gulls have been using buildings and structures along the quayside as a breeding site since the 1960s and have truly become a well-established part of our local and natural heritage.
The colony demonstrates how humans and wildlife can co-exist in urban areas and it is fantastic that local people and visitors are able to experience this amazing wildlife spectacle against the iconic landmarks of the Tyne bridges, the Sage and the Baltic art gallery.
The Tyne Kittiwakes Partnership has formed to ensure that the Kittiwake population along the Tyne is safeguarded and to work together to improve our understanding of the birds and their conservation needs. The Partnership includes Durham Wildlife Trust, the Natural History Society of Northumbria, RSPB, Northumberland Wildlife Trust; Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside and South Tyneside Councils, Newcastle University and individual researchers and ornithologists.
For more information about the Tyne Kittiwakes have a look at the leaflet produced by the partnership, Kittiwakes On The Tyne.

Image Credit: Richy Johnson (Durham Wildlife Volunteer)
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