Bluespaces is a Northumbrian Water scheme for delivering water environment improvements. Durham Wildlife Trust hosts the Bluespaces scheme on behalf of Northumbrian Water in the North East and it supports a wide array of partner-led projects to improve the water environment for people and wildlife
What are 'bluespaces'?
Bluespaces are areas around water that are freely accessible to the public via road, footpath, bridleway or other public right of way, or directly from areas such as country parks or beaches. This includes areas near streams, rivers, ditches, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, wetlands, fens, bogs, marshes, reedbeds, canals and coasts.
How does the Bluespaces scheme work?
Bluespaces is a Northumbrian Water investment scheme that any organisation/ community group can submit a project proposal to. If approved, the project will be provided with the requested funding and delivered by the partner organisation with support from Durham Wildlife Trust and Northumbrian Water. The scheme offers match funding or full funding for smaller scale improvements.
What is Durham Wildlife Trust's involvement in the scheme?
The Trust hosts a full time member of staff to project manage the Bluespaces scheme in the North East. The Bluespaces Delivery Manager assists partners in the development of project proposals, monitors and supports active projects, and collates project reports and evidence for external sign-off.
Ruby Merriman is the Bluespaces Delivery Manager.
Bluespaces is all about enhancing spaces around water, making sure these areas are available and enjoyable for people, as well as helping them to become better for nature.Durham Wildlife Trust
Bluespaces in action
Watch the video below to find out how the scheme has helped improve a wetland habitat in Woolsington.