Farming with nature

grass buffer strip and good condition hedgerow in productive grassland

Grass buffer strip and good condition hedgerow in productive grassland 

landscape-scale conservation

Farming with nature

Durham Wildlife Trust is working to celebrate and restore nature in the farmed landscape from Tees to Tyne.

Alongside the Trust's work on our nature reserves and with partners across the region, we have committed to engaging with landowners to influence nature recovery across 10,000ha of land by 2030.

The Trust has developed a 'farming with nature' work package, available to farm businesses, to survey wildlife and habitats on farm, assess habitat condition and recommend actions to benefit farm wildlife.

This package is based on the six key actions created by the Farm Wildlife Partnership:

  1. Enhance existing wildlife habitats.
  2. Maximise the wildlife value of field boundaries.
  3. Create, restore, and manage wet features.
  4. Create, restore, and manage flower-rich habitats.
  5. Create seed-rich habitats.
  6. Sympathetic management of the farmed area.


An extract from a report can be explored here.

The report is very useful indeed. We have noted the Trust's recommendations and will bear these in mind when considering future management and stewardship options.
Broom House Farm

To discuss wildlife and your farm business please get in touch via the button below 

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