Thank you Rainton Meadows appeal donation

Overhead photo showing fields with nature reserve, including woodland and ponds, in distance

The land the Trust hopes to purchase in the foreground and the rest of the nature reserve beyond.

Thank you for your donation

The money raised through this appeal will help us to secure the future of Rainton Meadows Nature Reserve. By protecting the land surrounding the reserve, we can safeguard existing wildlife and increase the amount of space dedicated to nature. In doing so, we will ensure that this wild space continues to be a haven for not only wildlife but for local people and visitors. 

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One Person - minimum £2.50 donation a month
Two Kingfishers on a Branch


Two Persons at the Same Address - minimum £3.00 donation a month
Duck and Ducklings


One to Two Adults and Up to 6 Children or Grandchildren - minimum £3.50 donation a month
Comma Butterfly


Code Required - minimum £1.00 donation a month
Bluebell Woods

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