Blog: Heart of Durham


volunteers clearing scrub

Scrub Management at Black Plantation

Heart of Durham volunteers have spent several task days cutting back scrub, which has been encroaching the grasslands and heathland in Black Plantation.

new bug hotel front view

A Critters Condo

It’s that time of year when our homes become a hubbub of activity with many of our smallest citizens making their way across our thresholds.

Bracken Rolling at Pow HIll group photo

The Secret Life of Bracken...

...and A Little Help from Our Swedish Friend, by Kirsty Pollard – Heart of Durham Conservation Officer

volunteers creating a hibernacula

Creating a hibernacula

Durham Wildlife Trust’s Heart of Durham Project volunteers in partnership with Northumbrian Water have created an artificial hibernacula on Pow Hill Heath, on the south side of Derwent Reservoir…


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