Blog: Volunteering


foliage in foreground with lapwing on water's edge behind it

Citizen science: the wellness effect

Discover the secrets to improving physical and mental well-being through connecting to nature, in this blog by Durham Wildlife Trust volunteer, Mike Willshare.

Volunteers working on moorland

Volunteers break records in 2023

As we reflect on the milestones and moments that defined 2023, we extend our deepest gratitude to every volunteer who has been a part of this incredible journey.

heart of durham volunteers bracken clearing

Leading the drive for more volunteers

In recent years Durham Wildlife Trust has expanded significantly. We now manage 50 (and counting) nature reserves from Tees to Tyne. As we continue to grow, we are also looking to expand our…

new bug hotel front view

A Critters Condo

It’s that time of year when our homes become a hubbub of activity with many of our smallest citizens making their way across our thresholds.

Bracken Rolling at Pow HIll group photo

The Secret Life of Bracken...

...and A Little Help from Our Swedish Friend, by Kirsty Pollard – Heart of Durham Conservation Officer


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