News: dragonflies

Credit Gary Cox


hand holding common darter dragonfly on stalk of grass

2023 great for dragonflies but not for spotting them

The wet weather during the summer of 2023 made for good dragonfly life-cycle conditions but meant that surveying the species was more challenging than usual. County Recorder, Michael Coates,…

Four spotted chaser Dragonfly  on a branch

2022 A Year of Two Halves For Dragonflies

Each year in conjunction with the British Dragonfly Society (BDS), county recorder and Durham Wildlife Trust Trustee, Michael Coates, publishes an annual report summarising sightings in our region…

common blue dragonfly

The dragonflies and damselflies of 2021

The British Dragonfly Society (BDS) works in conjunction with Durham Wildlife Trust (DWT) to actively survey the region between the River Tees and the Tyne for Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies…


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